Movie Review: Girl Trash, All Night Long

Through comedic roles, Alexandra Kondrackes’ “Girl Trash, All Night Long”, portrays an epic night out with five lesbian girls who are ready to rock. This movie mocks the idea of the traditional wild night out, which would include: lust, music, drugs and alcohol. The intent of this movie is to present the struggles of a homosexual finding her way in a new lifestyle in an environment both relatable to the audience (a night out) and the topic of so many popular films for our age group (think: The Hangover or Super Bad). However, the difference is that many of those popular movies involve a heterosexual group of partiers. By using the relatable setting, Kondrackes frames lesbian sexual development in a way that helps to make an unfamiliar topic more relatable. Besides the concentration of the plot on Colby’s struggles emerging from a stereotypical sorority girl to embrace her homosexuality, “Girl Trash” seems to parody—in my opinion—a collection of other stereotypes that have evolved from pop-culture. These stereotypes involve people of differing sexual preference, racial background, and gender roles presented multiple times with in the film. This independent film is well done, and it demonstrates acceptance through comedy, and ridiculousness.

The story begins with Daisy (Lisa Rieffel) who is a passionate out-spoken lesbian, who has just experienced heart-break. She’s been pouring her soul into music with her band mate Tyler (Michelle Lambardo). Tyler’s character lusts and pursues after many women, she doesn’t settle for just one love. Their band has just been signed to a Battle of the Bands concert, when daisy receives a phone call from her sister, Colby (Gabrielle Christian).

Colby is this beautiful sorority girl, who feels that she has been holding her true “self” within just to fit in; now that it is her graduation, she doesn’t have to conceal her interests anymore, she can just be “Colby”. However, when she first comes out to Daisy as being a lesbian, her feelings are immediately shot down with the response from her sister, “Colby, you aren’t lesbian, you’re from a sorority.” This quote categorizing sorority girls and Colby into emphasized femininity. With this Colby struggles, and expresses her struggles of being lesbian in an environment where she’s supposed to be the ideal female.

Colby finds difficulty adjusting to the LGBT community. Physically being in the new environment of her true interests leave her unsure of how she should approach a women. A fear she soon overcomes when she meets Misty (Mandy Musgrove) a women from the bar, as her immediate infatuation grows for her. As the movie progresses we see Colby having fun and being accepted for who she is. Later, she goes back to her sorority sisters, and they accept her news. “…To cherish, to be bonded in everlasting sisterhood…even if that’s what she’s into, no judgment.” – Lauren, President of the Sorority.

As the night comes to an end, Colby says to Misty, “I know what it’s like to pretend that you’re something, you’re not; and I am tired of doing that.” This experience, allows Colby to accept who she is, and relieves herself from the opinions of others. This movie demonstrates the importance of embracing who you are, and fighting for what it is you love- whether that is Colby and her sexual desires, or Daisy and her musical success or even Misty and her acting career. “Girl Trash” bashes both stereotypes and boundaries in discussing gender/sexuality issues. I was so glad to be able to watch something that was so eye opening, because outside of this context, I would never have experienced a movie like this one.


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  1. This analysis was very interesting to read because it showed the ways in which the film was relatable. The concept about emphasized femininity and Colby being judged because of this was an interesting issue and definitely important to touch on. It is a good idea to create a film in contrast to the traditional party night because in those movies the underlying messages generally only shows the standard story; without any other intersections or othering sexual orientations.


  2. I enjoyed your analysis of tthe moive it alllowed me to understand the themes and helped me understand what you thought were key scenes. I like how you brought up the point of emphazied feminity, I thought it was a pretty solid scene since it is her lesbian sister not believing her when she said she was lesbian which is not something you would expect. I also found it interesting from the scenes that you mentioned that the warmest welcome she got when coming out came from the people she was the expecting to react negatively. I really enjoyed the description of the movie it sounds like the female version of Drown in a way, except with alot less violence and also the main character knows that she is homosexual.


  3. The introduction to the films satirical elements is a great way to create a context of how to perceive the movie and its characters. The fresh take on a very common narrative was interesting to read and I’m sure interesting to review as well. The background information regarding the characters effectively presented them as the relatable people that the movie portrayed. Colby appears to be an especially interesting character and is visibly used in order to examine issues in society regarding femininity and homosexuality.


  4. I wish I saw this movie! I commend the film for centring such a controversial topic, like ‘coming out’ and the LGBT community in general, and placing these themes in a realistic, socially accepted party night. I think that Posh Spice did an excellent job at giving a thorough analysis of the film and providing examples from the movie to help the reader. As a university student the typical sorority girl stereotype runs deep in many women, so allowing Colby to explore her sexuality whilst being part of this clique is very interesting.


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